rigister now!
When you’re registering a domain with a company like GoDaddy.com, you
can choose between a seemingly ever-growing list of extensions — such
as .com, .net., .org, .info, .me, as well as a very long list of
geo-specific country-code top-level domains.
Most such extensions are available only to individuals and companies
with some affiliation with the country or region the extension
represents. This is also the case with the .eu top-level domain, which,
as you can imagine, represent the European Union. .eu domains are, of
course, available from Go Daddy, but let’s take a closer look at the
requirements for registering a domain with that extension.
Registration of .eu domain names is limited to individuals or
companies from countries in the European Union. But if you meet that
requirement, registering a .eu domain name gives you regional
recognition and an easy-to-manage Web presence. As such it is of
particular interest to companies that conduct business in the European
Union and individuals who want to reach the growing number of Internet
users there.
Besides the geographic requirement, .eu domains come with the
following restrictions: Domain names can be up to 63 characters, with a
minimum of three characters, and can contain letters (a to z), numbers
(0 to 9), and hyphens (except at the beginning or end of the domain
name). You cannot register domain names with special characters such as
& and #.
The minimum registration length for .eu domain names is one year, and the maximum registration length is 10 years.
So how do you actually register your .eu domain with Go Daddy?
Well, it’s just as easy as registering any other domain with them:
Go to the Go Daddy home page and enter the domain name you want in
the search field. Select .eu from the list of extensions.Click Go, and
then proceed through the screens to complete the purchase. Remember that
the contact information for the registrant must be an address within
the EU.